Armwarmers then and now

Mar 08, 2008 14:48

The I'm-not-riding Chilly Hilly was a success. Seth found his armwarmers "a little slippy." I've washed them and want him to try again before I sew in elastic, which I will do, but I want to find out how much washing changed them.

Today I succumbed to the urge to document the stash. In part, it's the way Ravelry is affecting my brain. But it's also part of the extreme disgustingness of our disgustingly messy house. It's bothered me before and I've made slight inroads, but I'm here to say that 2008 is the year I get my shit together in respect to keeping house. That means overcoming laziness, inherent packratism and a self-defeating thriftiness that has prevented proper organizational purchases. No more! I've made progress on each of these and I vow to keep going.

So anyway, I photographed a few ancient skeins of yarn, more because they were handy than because they were ancient, as well as what are probably my two oldest UFOs. The first, and oldest, is:

As you can see, it's practically finished, except that I never wove in the ends or made another. I designed this on the needles, apparently (by examining the notes just prior to the "pattern" in my notebook) when I had just quit working at and was applying at temp agencies, back in December 2000, which means just when I got my first position at KCTS 9. And a few months before I started this here livejournal and joined the fledging knitting community et al.

At one time, I despaired that everyone had caught up to me and it was pointless to do anything with this pattern--especially because it wasn't perfect--but now I kinda like it. Maybe I'll knit another (whether with the original thrift store yarn or not is TBD) and type up the pattern. In any case, stay tuned for the next-oldest UFO, coming soon to a blog near you.

stories, seth, armwarmers

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