Bicycling: the pros and the... pros.

Mar 15, 2007 21:59

Bicycling can lead to...

... friends thinking of you as a cyclist and sending you cute shirts about bicycling in San Francisco. (See top left.) This can inspire odd outfits, if you happen to think pulling out pretty matching-colored clothes from your closet and putting them all together is fun. I do. Also, this is far better than people who identify you as "having a cat" and therefore needing lots and lots of cat-themed stuff. Thank you again to Nicole for the shirt and the coffee. The delicious, delicious coffee, which is long gone. Maybe you should come visit again and I can show you all the great coffee shops this time.

... buying more bikes. See bottom row, third from left.

... riding your bike around Bainbridge Island in February with your friends--see friends, bottom row, and view of Seattle from the island, bottom right. (The view is near the end of the ride, but note to self: it's not as close to the end of the ride as you think. There are still several hills, though not as steep as some of the other hills.) That can lead to...

... shopping at Esther's and Churchmouse and meeting new friends who hand over fabric and ribbons and pincushions, just because. Just because they're some of the nicest people in the world. Thank you again, Kathy! (See the insanely awesome kitty fabric, top row, macro of the stash from Esther's, bottom left, and the comprehensive Bainbridge Haul photo, one up from bottom on the right.)

... deciding, when you're waiting for the light in Fremont, that it makes just as much sense and it's maybe sort of exercise to turn around and ride away from home to the bead shop. There, you might find, in addition to the split rings you need to fix your jacket zipper, really really pretty vintage lucite (top right), and other sparkly, inexpensive, irresistible beads. Which I swear to god I will use. Someday.

... going to Bike Expo a little daylight-savings-time-, pineapple-express-weather-stoned and craving donuts and having Mighty Os and getting yourself, your bike-themed purse, and everything within a 3' radius, covered in powdered sugar.

These are just some of the dangers of riding a bike. You can't say I didn't warn you.

Now I really need to get to bed. Last night we were up just a little later than we shoulda abeen and it led to Mr Cranky and I earning our nicknames, with, like, color bars or whatever they say*, by yelling at each other about toast this morning. It was actually pretty funny, like right after it ended. Not during. But that's the way of toast.

*Seth says he does not know what I'm talking about. Pshaw.

If you're looking for an FO, click over to the Hilltop blog and check out my latest shop sample, a Rebecca sweater in Soft Kid. So. Pretty.

bloggers, bikes, happiness, seattle, crafty, riding, friends

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