BREAKING NEWS: I'M AN AUNT! (kinda. details forthcoming--I'll need a whole other post for that.)
Okay, back to business. I mentioned before that Seth is playing tomorrow night. Now for more details! The show is at Jules Mae's in Georgetown. How do you know you want to attend? Listen to this
sweet song! Or listen to
more songs on his Myspace page.
Also super fun:
Video of me riding my bike, set to music and looped through every possible iMovie effect for 2 minutes, 57 seconds (the length of Seth's song "Qwerty").
Seth recently became an official member of
Rosyvelt, a band I've long admired. They play on Friday at the Sunset. Click on their name to listen to songs on their Myspace page, and come to the show to keep me company on Friday. This morning I elected to take the bus to work, and was pleased to see the show flyer in the Easy Street window:
Now back to KNITTING: At 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, 11/2, at Hilltop Yarn Queen Anne, we're doing that thing we call a fashion show--or this year,
Project Hilltop Runway. It will be your best opportunity to see a really, really pretty sweater (if I do say so myself... and I do!). Here's a photo of it blocking, considerately shot by
Jen was hoping to get some more length out of blocking it. If you decide to knit this sweater--and you might, especially if you see it in person, it's really nice--I recommend you consider your body type versus this one-size-fits all kind of pattern before starting. The sleeves are all one size, which means they're too short for a person who's around 5'10" (sorry, Jen, I don't know your height). The sweater's knit to the largest size for length, but sized around for the next-to-largest size in the bust; it fits around the bust and in the armpits, but rides up in the front--exactly what I was trying to avoid. BUST DARTS, people. Use 'em. I am going to learn them now. I don't have the same problem, but I like close-fitting sweaters and think darts will only improve the look. So watch out: I'm going to learn it and I'm going to tell you about it and we are all going to be better people for it.