(no subject)

Aug 23, 2006 14:35

Monday was a rather hard day. New boss, death in the work-family, normal Monday-ness. So after work, and more importantly after clicking on Mariko's (and partner Kelly's) new business site, Superbuzzy.com (don't click if you want to keep your money; click if you want to trade $$$ for japanese textiles), I decided to head up to Stitches for some iron-on transfers to ease into embroidery. I've been kind of building up to embroidery for a very long time. First, like two years ago, Shanny and I bought muslin and transfers and she worked on embroidery while I knitted. Then, I decided I didn't really want to do handwork because I had to look at it too much, it was slow, etc. But then some (more) amazing crafters came online, I learned about Denise Schmidt and Weeks and Bill and the Modern Quilt Workshop and Gee's Bend and suddenly, a quilt sounded like a good idea. Okay, so that's done--and of course, only a beginning. I have to admit I use this miniature quilt like a little kid with a blankie. No thumb-sucking though.

Then, sewing some Wee Wonderfuls dolls led to buttonhole stitch and the tiniest bit of embroidery of facial features, so I was ready to snatch up the Stitchettes patterns when Hillary put them up for sale. On Saturday, I headed down to the quite charming Full Circle yarn and needlepoint shop for perle cotton and spent $30 on my favorite colors. This is fancier than the DMC floss, while still DMC. VERY PRETTY COLORS. Sorry, no picture yet, though.

But I've also got Amy Karol's art quilts on my mind, is the thing. Also, there's inspiration in Subversive Cross Stitch to consider. So naturally I had to go buy some Jenny Hart Sublime Stitching patterns* on Monday night after work, so I'd have an excuse to ride my bike around some more and buy some more stuff. Another $30 but it was a very good way to ease out of a stressful workday. Plus, my thought is I can practice with some of these before I leap into, well, whatever else is down this road.

From Stitches, Seth and I proceed north to Recycled Cycles, where amazingly, it's even more full of dorky guys from about 26 to 60 standing around poking at greasy parts and trying to sell each other stuff on a Monday night than on a Saturday. (I think it's the ratio--on weekends, there are different dorks there, and a lot more ladies.) I coveted the cute Timbuk2 metro bags again. I kind of need one. Kind of. But I actually need a bag that will hold my gym stuff and some liberry books without freaking killing me. (Hm, actually. Since I only ride about 8 blocks to the gym, I can handle the pain & suffering that long. So the small bag takes predence! YAY!)

Ah. Point is, by the time we got home on Monday night (after suffering the Ave in order to have Veggie Veggie Thai food, which I liked because it was spicy but didn't give me the ill after-effects I'm accustomed to with Thai--maybe just because I didn't eat fried noodles?), I barely had time to wash dishes and finish the second sleeve on my Big Wool sweater. And last night, I diligently finished the sweater (which I started on Saturday, I'll remind you: Big Wool is GREAT) except for the end-weaving, instead of starting on the embroidery. Ah, I'm so good. I wouldn't be except I knew the reward of the sweater to wear was at the end of the good road. So: Soon, you will see some embroidery 'round here. Soon.**

You know. It takes about 3 minutes to ride my bike to the gym. Within one block of the gym: Joann's. The awesome Seattle Public Library, Ballard Branch. The swell Full Circle yarn shop. Cupcake Royale. The Secret Garden Bookshop. Sonic Boom Records. I could go on. I really, really, really wish I could afford to buy a house so I could be assured of continued access to all of this.

(Oh and it takes 20 minutes to ride to work. 30 minutes to ride home. 15 minutes from work to Hilltop Yarn. a little longer from home, 'cause the hill it's atop is steeper from that side.)

I am lucky and I like living here.

*I bought three: Dainty Days, Rock 'n' Roll and Craftopia. I prolly would've bought more -- several more -- if they were in stock. Hm, guess I have to go back!

**Um, it was going to be soon, until Julia upped the ante on the Wings of the Moth shawl challenge. Oops.

knitting, seattle, riding, ballard, materialism

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