Stitch AND Pitch

Jul 26, 2006 14:24

Hilltop Duet
Originally uploaded by Stampalina. Unfortunately, our pitching (by "our" I mean "our team," the Mariners) left something to be desired [or perhaps the Blue Jays are to be commended for their batting/running skillz], but the stitching went great. And the photographs are stunning, even if I can't even close my mouth for a picture. I must be taking lessons from Shanny.

And the exciting part of my story: When we left, I was in the elevator with the rest of the Hilltop Yarn gang until the skybridge floor. They left, then some other folks left, then we kept going down. I told the attendant I needed to go to the bicycle cage "on the very first floor where you drive in." We stopped at the posh Third Base Entry (note: this does not seem to be near third base to me) floor and she kept me on until the Field Level. Okay, sure, I get out and start walking in the direction of the parking lot. I walk and walk and when I see an exit, with a barrier and cops guarding it, I turn to leave. "Who are you?" they say. I tell them I'm just a lowly knitter, with the vendors, and am trying to get my bicycle and go home. "We'd better walk you out," they say, and one of the cops escorts me out. "I didn't know I was going to see the back hallways of the stadium," I say. "Actually, this is the players' exit," the cop tells me. "That's Felix Hernandez up there on the right." He said something about the fans; I told him the elevator attendant had just let me out, no further direction, and he said "that's not good." To me it'd seemed like no big deal, but I guess the baseball fans can be a little aggressive. So, folks, I managed to enter the inner sanctum of MLB last night. Just doing my part to ensure knitters do gain control of the universe!

Thanks to a really nice attendee, I got to put my newly designed baby hat on a real live baby and verify 1) it fits; 2) it's cuter than all get out. Seriously. Our patterns and kits are so cute and so fun; I am proud to be a Hilltop designer.

(I'll be looking for more pics on later. You should, too.)
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