May 15, 2006 09:47
Ah Monday morning. Ah beautiful weather. Ah WORK.
1) On Saturday a shard of glass somehow inserted itself into the inside heel side of my right flipflop and sliced the inside of my left heel. I felt the nick but thought it was just a pebble or thorn until I was in the bathroom and looked down at blood dripping down my ankles (naturally I'd smeared blood onto the right ankle). I had just bought bandaids at the drugstore, like an invitation to the small dangers of the world to come right in.
2) Seth's birthday (Friday) was highly successful. Yesterday's birthday-related-activitiesdidn't go as planned, but went okay in spite of everything except: I have eaten too many donuts in the past 18-ish hours.
3) Today's list:
FYI (check)
finish writing petals set pattern (progress made)
post pic of new project (no)
take stuff to HT after work (no)
get done here early so I can enjoy the weather (sorta)
added: review annual report, etc etc etc
monday morning,