dateline: Seattle

Mar 06, 2006 11:03

Thursday March 2: Chilly air, smell of cherry trees, eating sushi with my fingers on the way back from the grocery store until my fingers get too cold. Back at the shop, there's no real point in mixing up the wasabi and soy sauce now, besides it's goofy sushi with sauce already.

Friday March 3: Cherry trees everywhere. My therapist was ill last week, explaining the very weird bum's rush out last Friday. Ordered shoes online, delivered just now (11:12 a.m. Monday morning). Felt productive then not, then productive again. Blocked a million knitted squares, some are way too big.

Saturday March 4: Dad's birthday. Sunny and a 3-mile run exploring a new part of the neighborhood, then picking up the trail back to the locks. Pedalling lackadaisically down to the Ballard Bowl, to Fremont, pedalling fast to get home in the suddenly too-chilly air. Samoas and knitting and lots of baby blanket sewing.

Sunday March 5: Cloudy, slow, Seth tilts the cable box to make OLN work and I only get to see 8 minutes of the silly new knitting show. We escape for coffee, the Oscars at Karol's, chatting until too late. Walking home in the cold, just a mile, not quite 7 years since the first night we walked in the cold together. We don't have a real anniversary, I'm thinking of making one up. We met in April, I was in love by his birthday in May. Thank goodness for landmarks.

Monday March 6: I wimp out on biking to work because mentions winds from the south, then I misread the bus schedule (again and in spite of my care to eliminate express buses) and walk down the sunny street a few stops, regretting but not very much. My shoes arrive, good because I need something to mail my sister's birthday goodies in. (my stomach hurts.)

updates, seth, monday, work

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