(no subject)

Feb 22, 2006 15:08

I need to tell you about Olympic Knitting even as I freak out about the no time to talk, no time to ... where the hell did this day go? Well, I remember a crazy man throwing garbage at me, that was pretty rad...

Okay so. Back is done. Left front is done. Right front is maybe 2/3 of the way to the armhole shaping. But the sleeves are, I think, larger/more surface area than the fronts. Also, you will recall that there is a horizontal lace edging to the sweater (and the sleeves, I think). That must be sewn on after. And also a crocheted edging and buttonholes. Also done at the end.

Knitting time available: Tonight's the HT party and while it's permissible to knit there, I'm not sure I want to be doing my p3tog/yo/p3tog agains in a bar. Or the knit back even for that matter. Partially because I'll be drinking. Thursday: I might dare to bring knitting to a conference I'm attending but is it wise? Dunno yet. Will be able to leave at 4.30 though so that gives a long night of knitting. Friday night, ditto. Saturday and Sunday--oh god. Sunday is the deadline. Well, here's the thing. I'm not going to make it but I'm STILL GOING TO TRY.

(did I mention I'm trying to get a first draft of an annual report done by Friday, and must have it ready to go out and get feedback [and gaps filled] on Monday, meaning working on the weekend and I shouldn't have decided to go to a conference most of the day tomorrow but when do you get to go for free to a national conference? not often. oh and that I have two articles due March 1 and still need to do some legwork on both and other than the interviews have done zero writing? so if I seem stressed out by the knitting, it's just that I'm actively using knitting to avoid working, instead of the passive way I usually do it.)

-over and out-

ps i don't have time to learn the new cool formatting tools! but i like the autos...ave. thank goodness for the autosave 'cause i was about to be really irked at losing this whole dang post!

knitting, olympic sweater, knitting olympics, knitblog

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