Rad Thursdays.

Feb 16, 2006 09:57

At least I can pretend it's a rad Thursday. My boss is happy that I'm leaving early to meet with someone at 826 Seattle to ascertain where my skills and their needs match up; it's nice to be told I'm a giver. It's also nice to have a boss who helps instead of getting in the way/making it hard.

Mrtl is sending her weather down here; we're expecting arctic winds and 16-degree temps and 0-degree windchills. I hate it, but I'm glad I'm not in Spokane or Chicago this time, where the arctic winds mean -16-degree temps and -80-degree windchills and frozen eyeballs and no going outside. What sucks, though, is having lost two pairs of gloves recently (the good pair first, then the ratty right hand of the old pair that I reclaimed when the newer, nicer pair was lost). Hm, actually, it looks like this arctic air is only taking Spokane down to -2 or so this time, so that's good.

And it smells like hot chocolate in here. Nice. Now it's time for a policy public hearing which is always anti-climactic. Do I even need to go? Not really. But I should go do some work.


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