I hereby promise to post every day from here on out. Some days that means you will get an old picture of my cat.
Do you ever have mild symptoms of something and not treat it as a result? For example, a cough that's truly irritating but not huge, seems like I'm blowing it out of proportion, not really sick, so I don't really need medicine, right? Wrong. Theraflu last night and cough medicine this morning have me feeling much better, even though I'm not sick enough to sleep all day/not work.
Oh I am so procrastinating right now. You can't tell because when I procrastinate, I don't get a damn thing done, even writing about it, because I'm pretending not to be procrastinating, see? Well, then, it's just a dumb old waste of time, right? Right. And boring to read about! Yeah! So, I'll sign off now.