(no subject)

Jul 20, 2005 21:41

instead of writing my article (well, i've been working on that, too) i'm just sort of staring at my leg. i'd take a picture for you if i could, but it wouldn't help. it would still just be me, sort of navel-gazing, thinking about the Body (which is in part what the article's about) and not doing the hard thing, which is actually writing. doing that writing that people tell me is talent (as opposed to what i do here, absofuckinglutely).

at least i had to move my leg to finish this post. that's progress, right? sure. no, because now gravity is working against my leg-esteem, whereas before it was working for it.

jesus christ, this is the silliest post ever in my whole life i think.

so i should tell you about the muffin toaster egg poacher! http://www.eggandmuffintoaster.com/3.html (i'm hesitant, almost, to link to it because i don't even want them to know we're intrigued.)

and what else... okay. so i was so excited to be Home in Seattle, especially with the nice summer weather finally here (so sue me, I like it a bit hot), and to bring a little of the California cool home with me--the "I don't need to be a jerk to prove I'm cooler than you all the fucking time" attitude. But then I'm riding my bike and other people are riding like assholes around me, and DRIVING like assholes--I have seen more people turning left in front of bikers (including in front of me) and people passing riding as fast as possible because they're so fucking cool and people just... When we were in SF, I told this bike store guy that drivers seemed to yield a lot more to bikers there, and he looked at me like I told him I was in love with GWB and wanted to have his babies and repeal all taxes and fire all women from the working world (etc etc). But I seriously believed it. And auditorium mentioned someone being rude about reading HP at the bus stop and I MEAN COME ON PEOPLE. Snarky does not automatically mean cool. Or funny. We like to think that having a bitter edge makes live more interesting but if you're just an asshole all the time and have no sense of humor or equilibrium, it is not interesting.

Now, the place where I work may be royally fucked up, as most businesses seem to be. I am eternally optimistic for it, though, and partly because most of the people I work with are so fucking nice, kind, fun and generous. If you need something, someone will give it to you. GIVE. Now this is certainly not always true (and I already told you the place can be pretty f'd up) AND one of my coworkers had a small accident with a bicyclist on the street today (car vs bike and I have no idea who was at fault, I wasn't there). so neither is it perfect. But at least it feels good to be "home" with them in some ways, too.

okay, this post turned from asinine into total massive babble and i'm not spending the time to edit it. i'm going to have an ice floe and go to bed. we'll try this again tomorrow.

biking, crabbiness, seattle attitude, hipsters, deadlines, when work isn't so bad, bicycling

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