He-Man is homophobic.

Nov 20, 2008 21:59

So, many thoughts have occurred to me recently about this strange character.

Feel free to use the above image as your desktop. It's pretty sweet.
I mean, look in the top right corner, He-Man performs the loudest clap in the universe, he's obviously a Master of the Universe.

image Click to view

Now, I know you have heard all of the theories about He-Man being a totally homo-erotic show. Well, I am going to put that theory to rest.

This animation should assist.
See the way Adam dresses?
He wears a pink shirt, this used to be the province of gay men, though this fashion has recently been hi-jacked by "The Metro-Sexual". That's right, he's a Metro for sure. He's wearing a skin tight, muscle revealing white shirt, with a pink top over that, he's so metro it's not funny. It's amazing to think this theory eluded me for so long.
Look at the way Adam's pecks ripple through at least 2 layers of fabric. Look at his guns. The man clearly spends too much time in the gym, if he didn't spend so much time in the gym, he might have time for a decent hair cut.
The theory doesn't end there either. If you watch the intro to the show, you will witness the transition from Adam to He-Man. What has changed?
I'll tell you what has changed. Adam has poured copious amounts of fake tan on himself and donned his bondage gear. He's even seen fit to give his hair the same treatment. Now, he's ready for action. You know he's ready because he's oiled up and glistening, just like HHH before a pay per view. He can't go out busting skulls without first looking his best.

Just for some trivia, I'll tell you that the original closing line of his transformation was not "I have the Power!!!", no, it was actually, "I used the Bronzer!!!", except the test audiences didn't like it, I don't know why.

Who does He-Man brutalize you might ask? Who are his enemies?
Well his rogues gallery mostly consists of gay men.
A top ten list can be found here and should serve as further compelling evidence, it includes some doozies. Disregard He-Man's entry into the list and you'll be fine.

So, all things considered, we have a metro-sexual who parades around beating up gay men. Even Teela, the damsel in distress is lesbian. She is totally helpless as well and that's how this show wants you to feel about all gays.

Completely homophobic. Bin it.

tv shows, theory, he-man

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