Beach Parking? Who needs it?

Oct 20, 2008 22:19

Australia is quickly becoming the most complaining nation in the world.

Bondi a world-class parking rort
Linked above is an article that details the parking costs at Bondi beach in Sydney. I don't own a car and nor do I want to, because of the running costs and other associated costs. I use public transport. It's a popular beach, people will pay for the convenience of parking there because they want to go there. The other thing this article handily points out is that it's cheaper to park at other beaches and completely negates it's own point by doing so. Get a bus, stay home, go to a different beach or bring your lunch. No one is being forced to do anything.
Australians also elected a new government on the back of climate change issues and here we see complaints about it not being convenient enough to drive everywhere.
I am also going to point out bad journalism here as well, the use of the word rort is inappropriate. Also, bad journalists have a habit of using the term "Un-Australian" when they can't think of an actual reason why something is unjust.
The man pictured in the article obviously didn't have much trouble shelling out for gym membership though.
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