Feb 03, 2005 17:08
I'm tired of people that start dating someone and then never talk to you anymore....until they break up.
I'm tired of guys my age dating young ass girls. No wonder I cant find a guy that doesnt suck, they're all at the high school waiting for the final bell.
I'm tired of my keyboarding class. I already know how to type.
I'm tired of people sending me friend requests on myspace when it blatantly says in my profile to send me a message first.
I'm tired of dudes not wanting a real relationship...dont get into one if you are just going to end it 2 weeks later.
I'm tired of getting dicked over by every single fucking guy I date.
I'm tired of girls whoring themselves out...get some fucking class/respect for yourself.
I'm tired of logging onto myspace and seeing 50 million chicks with half naked pictures.
I'm tired of people getting offended and dont tell you why, they just stop talking to you.
I'm tired of hearing that I live too far away to hang out...when in actuality its only a 30-45 min drive, depending on traffic. BUT I'm expected to drive that same distance to come hang out with you.
I'm tired of having friends that go do things, but never being invited along for the fun.
I'm tired of going to parties where I dont know anyone, because you got all new friends.
I'm tired of stupid "scene" girls that think they're better than me. fuck you.
I'm tired of guys wearing girl jeans. They're called girl jeans for a reason.
I'm tired of this whole metrosexual thing....you're a guy, act like it.
I'm tired of not having any health insurance. Come on human resources, you can process my paperwork a little faster.
I'm tired of being bored at work.
I'm tired of hearing that I look 16.
I'm tired of getting ID'd at a rated R movie.
I'm tired of not being able to lose any weight, no matter how many stupid crunches I do.
I'm tired of people lying to avoid hurting someone's feelings.
I'm tired of awesome guys having kids...my life will not consist of kids, mine or those acquired, for another few years.
I'm tired of hearing people complain about George W. being our president. He's here for 4 more years, just deal with it. Your complaining isnt going to do shit.
I'm tired of guys not having the balls to call and tell you that things arent working out.
I'm tired of my Bachelor's degree not getting me anywhere.
I'm tired of being simply content, I want to be happy.
I'm tired of hearing about kids that were born in the late 80's talk about how cool 80's nite was. You weren't even alive for most of that decade.
I'm tired of this piece of shit slow computer I have at work.
I'm tired of only meeting guys on the internet. Am I that unapproachable in person??
I'm tired of this work computer crashing just about every time I go to someone's myspace page that has a video on it.
I'm tired of getting dirty looks from girls that are dating my ex-boyfriends. There's probably a reason we're exes, shouldnt that make you happy??
I'm tired of people I work with telling me pointless stories of when they were in the Navy 20 years ago.
I'm tired of typing. good day.