Fic: Footfalls Echo in the Memory

Jan 06, 2012 02:10

Title: Footfalls Echo in the Memory
Author(s): Nox
Fandom(s): Life/Standoff/Band of Brothers
Type: Slash
Rating: R
Word Count: 10,207
Characters/Pairings: Matt/Charlie, Nixon/Winters
Warnings/Spoilers: General spoilers for most of Life, Standoff and BOB but nothing too specific. May have a trigger for domestic violence.
Summary: Matt remembers a life that isn't his, and a love that isn't his. He can see Winters when he looks at Charlie, but is it all Nixon, or is some of it Matt himself?
Author’s Notes: Written for journeystory I went for a more abstract interpretation of journey in this, a journey towards understanding.

This story has a prequel Time Present and Time Past (Are Both Perhaps Present in Time Future) which is not necessary to understand this story but does give background about how Matt and Charlie came to have the memories.

Thanks to my beta who is also my wonderful artist
caersmane for helping to turn my disconnected ramble into an actual fic.

Links to Story Master Post/Chapters: Part 1 Part 2, also on AO3
Link to Art Master Post: Coming

source: life, fanwork: fic, source: band of brothers, pairing: cc/mf, source: standoff

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