Chat! \o/

Jun 05, 2009 15:04

I am still not online, really I'm not. I'm writing and editing and after this week, I am going to take a NAP instead of vacationing.

But none of that is the point of this post. This post is about a CHAT this weekend. Barring unforeseen complaints, I'm thinking that Sunday late morning would work? Say, 11am EST? Chime in here, please, if that works/doesn't work for you, and if it needs changed I'll get a post up tonight with the alterations.

As for materials, Set says we were on Life 103, which sounds right to me, and Standoff 105. I'm also throwing out the option of watching Beat, because it is made of awesome and rainbow sparkles and also Ron Livingston reciting poetry and walking around in his underwear (sadly, not at the same time.)

ps. Stay tuned Monday for the inaugural rewatch post, which will start at the ACTUAL beginning for this whole thing. That's right, folks. Next week in rewatch, we'll be watching "Currahee."

admin: rewatch, admin: chat

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