but if I was I'd be this one:
http://usaimages.wolverineworldwide.com/bulk/2004/6/22/MRL-W_M3018BKlo-04-y.psd.fpx?cell=450,500&qlt=90&rgn=-0.2035,0,0.9,1&cvt=jpeg My brother in law sells Merrell stuff, and gave me a "Merrell full wheelie" today at cost. It's awesome - I've been shopping for a new bag since June, as my garment bag is totally worn out from band trips. $150 discount makes it all worthwhile:)
Christmas in Medicine Hat has been its usual restful self. We're here every 2 yrs, and it's nice to get a brief blast of winter. It's good coming back to mild & green too, don't get me wrong, but winter just isn't winter without a little sub-zero. The whole of Sus's family under one roof is quite an experience. The kids have had an absolute ball with so many people around, and it has even been somewhat relaxing from a parenting perspective with so many aunties and grandparents around. The feeling of "home" here is very warm and inviting, despite the chaos of so many people.
I hope everyone has been having a great break.