I need a little time to think it over

Jun 01, 2013 10:34

I've had a little room to start doing something creative. Yay! Not quite sure how it came about but I'm not going to over think this creative bubble lest it burst.

The design is based on a Japanese painting I stumbled across on t'interweb. What you can see below is just a basic outline. I'm going to use different paper modelling techniques to make it three dimensional. The paper is taken from the gazillion 'nursing standard' journals I have left over from my past life as a nursing student. I couldn't bring myself to throw them away so they've just been stacked on the landing - a lingering reminder of what once was but never will be. So it's rather cathartic to turn them into something else.

Had a bit of reiki yesterday. It always causes me to reflect on the many different aspects of well being. I've had three sessions now and can't say that I've noticed an obvious reduction in pain, I just feel 'better' afterwards. It increases my motivation and joy de vivre. If I were to try and describe it, it's like the difference between opening the curtains on the morning and being greeted with brilliant sunshine rather than a depressing grey gloom. And it makes all the difference when you're trapped indoors as much as I am.

The reiki session couldn't have been better timed. I'd been feeling pretty lousy through lack of sleep - Wednesday night I only had about 3 hours. I'd gotten myself in a state reading about people's' experiences of atos interviews and suspect I'll have to have one soon. It sounds such an ordeal and I'm not sure I want to put myself through it for a few extra quid a week. We're really lucky in that we can get by without the extra cash but I feel a bit obligated to go through the experience. I need to see if it as unfair as people suggest and then do something about it. So we shall see!

arts, enthusiasm, via ljapp, creativity, craft, reiki, busy, money, atos, therapy, hobby, finance, treatment, benefits

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