int technology grand!?

May 16, 2013 14:36

So here I am, sat in a coffee shop just off Deansgate after a particularly brutal pilates session at Manchester Physio. Actually, I say brutal but I really mean challenging. I was the only one in the class so I had undivided attention and nowhere to hide during the more difficult exercises.

Anyway, back to my reason for posting. I'm able to post because I brought my super dooper nexus 7 tablet and my iPhone, which I have turned into a wifi hotspot. If you'd suggested that I would be able to do this ten years ago I would have scoffed at you. Ten years ago I'm not sure I would have had fixed broadband (as opposed to 56k dial up) let alone wireless. And the idea of having a computer squished into a 7 inch screen would have seemed ridiculous, yet here I am typing away on something no bigger than a book. A-mazing!

There is a lot of talk about the internet and social networking affecting brain development and social skills - Having studied psychology at uni, and being married to a child psychologist, I can see how this might be. But, then again, as a person with limited mobility and with other issues that affect my ability to socialise, the internet and social networks have proved an absolute lifeline.

At the click of a button I can share how I am feeling with others whilst I am physically alone. I can take a virtual tour of somewhere I could never get to on my own. I can share a joke with friends and do my weekly shop, all without leaving the sofa. I can research my various diagnoses and empower myself with knowledge, and I can get in touch with other people who are in a similar situation for moral support.

Without getting all judgemental on yo ass, it's all about moderation. Something us humans seem to struggle with in all manner of ways and I by no means excuse myself from that assessment. I'm on my second latte. ;)

nexus 7, pp blogging, accessibility, broadband, disability, illness, psychology, children, brain development, social networking, internet, iphone, wifi, technology, pilates, twitter, facebook

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