Is a day wasted a wasted day?

May 09, 2013 19:31

I'm in lots of pain at the moment, particularly in the mornings when I first wake. As a consequence I'm having to take more of my opiate pain relief. I normally take one 30/500 co-codamol tablet along with my other medication and then a few hours later I'll take another if I need it. However, recently it's been so bad that I've needed to take both tablets at the same time. It helps with the pain but leaves me completely zonked for hours and it feels like a huge waste of time.

This morning I wasn't able to get out of bed until midday. I got up a couple of times for a drink and a trip to the bathroom, but they were very blurry and wobbly escapades so I was straight back to bed. When I did get up I headed straight for the sofa. I did take my box of beads with me in case I was inspired to make something but I opted for a film instead, though I don't really recall what it was about.

Having chronic fatigue it's not unusual for me to rise fairly late and then sprawl on the sofa and get busy doing nothing but that feels different somehow. I have no issue taking the time I need to recharge my batteries even if that means not getting out of bed at all. It puzzles me that the time I lose to medication feels like exactly that - a loss. Like I've been cheated out of it. I suppose it's the same kind of feeling you get when you lose a day to hangover. The daft thing is that if I didn't take the opiates I wouldn't be able to do much anyway because I'd be in too much pain.

The games we play with ourselves...

drowsiness, side effects, opiates, medication, pain, chronic fatigue

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