
Jan 06, 2014 17:34

Bit dusty round here, innit!

My new commitment to blogging has been inspired by an idea I heard about in a podcast on It's the website of artist, Michael Nobbs, who just so happens to suffer from ME. Through his website Michael shares his frustrations and inspirations when trying to be creative and purposeful but burdened by long term illness. One of his podcasts looks at getting things done in the home without overdoing it. He employs the "ten item declutter". You basically find 10 items that are out of place and organise them, maybe by finding a new home for them, throwing them, eBaying (yes, it's a verb!) them etc.

So I've decided to implement a ten word blog - I've simply got to write a minimum ten words a day. They don't have to make sense or be in English for that matter.

I've made a couple of other goals for myself - to stop eating meat, to try to be more in contact with people and to go out for a walk least once a day. Oh and to continue with the eternal battle of showing myself the same compassion I reserve for others.

Well, that's a few more than ten words so I'll quit whilst I'm ahead. :)

Happy new year!

illness, creativity, blogging, ten words

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