Let's talk about sex bay - be.. .

Aug 29, 2013 18:12

Ok, so it's been a while since I was last inspired to blog but let's not dwell too much on that. We've both had something pretty huge going on that has drained us of our spirit and enthusiasm. So, we've run away to Germany to give ourselves a much needed break.

Our first destination is Hamburg, which is supposed to be the sex capital of Northern Europe, though we didn't know this when we booked, honest! We've been here about 24 hours and have quickly settled in to this city of unabashed hipsterism where everyone has at least three tattoos and rides a fixie with a pug trotting alongside.

We're staying opposite the football stadium in St Pauli, which is a scruffy but elegant district, with a really alternative vibe. Lots of funky clothes shops, bike shops and heavily grafiti-ed buildings. The apartment is a tiny studio flat, complete act but bijou, Maustin, compact but bijou. Last night our neighbour and his friends treated us to a band rehearsal with an accomplished sound somewhere between daft punk, zero seven and the cardigans. They stopped promptly at ten allowing us to drift off in a very much needed snooze. I know - bed @ten - rock and roll!

Today we went to planten blomen, a beautiful park full of, you guessed it, plants and blooms. It was full of water features, sculptures and little nooks and crannies to sit and shut the world out. Dawn described at as restorative and I wholeheartedly I agreed with her.

Later we took the ferry along the harbour front and stretched out on the beach for a while. It was absolute bliss. Afterwards we had a stroll along Reeperbahn to see what the fuss was about. You can purchase dildos in the shape of the eiffel tower as well as sex for €39. We were hoping to find a gay bar or two but got bored and headed off for a drink. Later we're off out for a bite to eat and may search a little harder for a gay bar.

Battery's about to go.

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