Except that I didn't have class today anyway. Of course.
Um, wow. It's been a while. Quick recap of the months since the last post:
-Made it through first 18 credit semester at Mica-land, amazingly with flying colors
-Possibly broke my foot during finals
-New roommate is a total nut who is fascinated with decomposition. This has resulted in her keeping moldy things she had previously buried in our hallway and moldy sweet potatoes in the fridge. She also called morgues asking if they had any left-overs from cremations that she could have. Suffice to say, we are not living with her next year
-Totaled my car
-Destroyed another printer in under five months
-Learned that a fan brush has other uses other than painting happy trees
Spring semester's been running smoothly so far. All my studio classes are giving independent assignments, which has been both terrifying and exciting The stuff I'm doing for Sophomore Painting and Figure and Ground are essentially following the same tracks. If I manage to generate enough pieces that aren't total crap, I think I might apply for some gallery space next year.
Oh, PS: I got a blog to post assorted art stuff, mostly to make it easier for family and others to find me, which is located here :