Feb 01, 2004 20:28
I got a call from mom the other night to find out that Ma-ma (my grandma) has breast cancer. Which really really sucks because this is the AWESOME grandma. My other grandma that died was disposable. I didnt give a shit about her. But this is the cool grandma and she has cancer. They have to remove her breasts and stuff. Whats sucks even more is this REALLY increases the chances of my mom and aunt having breast cancer too. They will have to go in for mamograms as well. But our primary objective is to get Ma-ma thru this. Its kinda weird cause i never thought anyone in my family would get cancer, but it happened.
Me and matt went to a work party last night and it was a lot of fun. I got fucked up. I dont remember anything, but i guess i did a lot of crazy ass funny stuff when i got home. Mitch and Burke were telling me about it and they said i was hillarious. Something about being a ghost and doing a vanishing act.
I went to work today and i felt completly numb. I couldnt feel anything and it was like i was physically there but i was like a ghost outside my body. Every sound i heard just sounded faint. Almost like in fight club where his boss is yelling at him and all he hears is muffles.
As far as where my life is right now, i kinda am looking for a gf. I guess im not really "looking" but i am wanting to start a relationship. But there arent many girls that we really encounter here so i guess as for now i will just kinda keep my eyes open.
Robbie and Joe are coming soon. w00t!