Feb 06, 2004 00:00
Can't stay long... but I wanted to wish Amanda a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You're supposedly a spinster now, (congrats?) but I had a chat with Abigail and Beth tonight that redefined spinster... so either you've been a spinster for several years now or you still have a long time to go. ;-)
I'm almost caught up on my reading!!!! I have 42 pages in poli comm and fifteen pages (a paper) in theology, but I'm that close. And I'm actually ahead in all the rest of my theology reading AND in the reading for all my other classes. Except Psych. I'm not going to read Psych. He teaches what's in the book, so there's no point unless he tests us over everything that is in the syllabus and we don't cover all the units. Oh well. We'll see. Definitely not concerned about that class.
Piano is coming along. I was really frustrated with it at the beginning of the semester because i hadn't played in so long, but it's really coming along. I started working on my Rhapsody in Gm (Brahms) again recently to prepare for my recital next year - and I'm actually starting to hear the MELODY and not having to concentrate so much on each note. I was SO excited. Sadly enough. ;-) I'm also working up "The Entertainer" for said recital (goodness knows what else I'll play - Probably some Bach and who knows what else). I also am working on a Greig Nocturne and Haydn's Sonata in C - it's fun, lots of ornaments that give it some texture and make it fun to play. A pain in the neck to learn at first, but once you get them down and can just kinda whip them off, they're fun. ;-)
I'm making it over every few days to read LJ's... just added two new people to my list so I'm hoping that it won't hugely affect volume. ;-) Julia, that means you can't talk about Seth TOOOO much ;-). J/k. Congrats, btw.
Anywho. Need to go call lover boy before I go to bed... i have a 9 AM tomorrow that I accidentally slept through on Wednesday. I set my alarm for 7:45 PM instead of AM. Woke up at 9:55, went into the hall and asked what day it was. Realized that I had not only missed my class but that I had five minutes to get down to chapel before I am given another cut. Made it in the nick of time. ;-) TTFN