Sep 01, 2005 22:38
when i wake up in the morning there is a moment when i realize that its not all just a horrible dream.
it IS real.
it IS happening.
right now.
every single morning there is a jolt to my psyche, and all my body and soul can do is say 'damn.'
it is crushing to see the only home i've ever known descend so graphically before the world's eyes. those poor, desperate souls who crave the very basics for a modicum of survival in the shell of my be reduced to such a madness. unthinkable. unimaginable.
and yet my band rolls on. we have no home to go to, so now the bus is our home. and we are some of the lucky ones.
we play music.
we make people smile, even if only for a fleeting moment.
that is what we do.
that is who we are.
and tonight - even though we may not be there physically, we are always there spiritually - tonite, we are still a part of new orleans. even as my beloved city falls to her collective knees, i still say proudly that i am from there.
i have to.
i need to.
i don't want to be from anywhere else.
In good grandparents have been reached and they are ok, as is our house. They found Fats Domino, and he's ok too. Jules' family's house is ok, minimal flooding, same with their office, which is much better than the original prediction of 9 ft of water.