TV meme I got from tumblr

Mar 10, 2011 15:09

Pick 4 TV shows you like (I'm going with shows that are currently airing)

1. Community
2. Being Human (UK version, please and thank you)
3. V
4. Pretty Little Liars

Who’s your favorite character in 2?
If you'd asked me this before series 3 I would have answered Mitchell, no question.  But now it's Annie.

Who’s your least favorite character in 1?
Last season it was Chang, but now it's Pierce.

What’s your favorite episode of 4?
Man, I don't even know....  I watched the first half of the season in a giant gulp so it all kind of blends together.  But actually the first episode I saw was "There's No Place Like Homecoming" so let's just go with that?

What’s your favorite season of 4
Aw, this is doubly hard!  I've really enjoyed all the episodes of Pretty Little Liars.  But let's just go with the one that aired this week, "Someone to Watch Over Me".  There wasn't much plot development.

How long have you watched 1?
From the very beginning!  Adored it from day one.  I know some people thought it started kind of weak, but I've always thought it was hilarious.

How did you become interested in 3?
Aliens and Elizabeth Mitchell?  How could I not be interested?

Who’s your favorite actor in 4?
Toss up between Troian Bellisario (Spencer) and Ashley Benson (Hanna).  They're both pretty great.  Lucy Hale is OK, but Aria drives me up a wall the majority of the time.  So, she's out.

Which show do you prefer? 1, 2, or 4?
The main contest is definitely between Community and Being Human.  BH is about to air it's finale on Sunday so I'm currently more pumped for that than anything else.  I can't be rational at the moment, but I think I'd probably go with BH since it covers such a range of genres and Community is pretty well set in comedy.

Which show have you seen more episodes of; 1 or 3?
Community.  I never actually watched all the episodes of the first season of V.

If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
OH MAN, who would want to be any of the Liars right now?  Or Toby? Or Jenna? Or Fitz?  I'll be Mona, who is completely content in her own little self-centered world (and hopefully not A).

How would you kill off your favorite character in 3?
Lisa!  She'd definitely need to go out in a blaze of glory, saving all humanity.

Give a random quote from 3.
"You're very brave, Joshua"
"Thank you, my queen"
Lisa/Joshua shippers say WHAT.

Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Well yeah.  Alison was abducted.  And Anna is A.  SOLVED IT.

Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple!
I used to be a pretty rabid Jeff/Annie shipper but I'm getting over it.  I've kind of been shipping Troy/Britta?

Overall, which show has a better cast? 3 or 4?
I guess I need to go with V, because there are some pretty solid actors on that show dealing with less-than-solid scripts.  I can only imagine how great it would be if there was some semblance of logic and coherency.  THE POSSIBILITIES.

Which has better theme music, 2 or 4?
Well, PLL actually HAS a theme, and I love when shows have themes (Community's is my favorite ATM), and Being Human doesn't, so we'll have to go with soundtracks.  Being Human wins.  Being Human ALWAYS WINS.

tv: community, meme, tv: v, tv: being human, tv: pretty little liars

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