Some may say I have too much time on my hands, or that I've gone off the deep end... others may thank me for bringing you this!
As mentioned in our last installment of X-treme Japanese boy bands...
Arashi was sparkly, and Johnny was creepy, but we'll just skim over that, for there is some quality ogling to be done. Said ogling? Direct it at KAT-TUN please. Seriously, they won't mind, it's what they're here for. Which is why I offer you the following...
Sorry to all those who have photobucket blocked at work, it's where all the images are hosted. But there are youtube links, so you can still view the hot dorkiness
Who is KAT-TUN, you ask? Well, remember how happy and bubblegum-poppy (with a side of fan service, of course. This is JE we're talking about) Arashi was? I suppose KAT-TUN is supposed to represent the 'rocker' aspect of what Johnny's can offer to the fangirls. And they try, because where Arashi is cute and coy about their sex appeal, KAT-TUN is much more open about it. Not just 'open' I should say, SHAMELESS is more like it.
Oh, and they're hopeless dorks. Slutty dorks, but dorks nonetheless.
History: Back in 2001, KinKi Kids member Koichi Domoto chose 6 Johnny's to perform as his back-up dancers. Plucked from their former juniors units, he named them KAT-TUN (acronyms are fun!). And they had really bad hair...
They were only supposed to be a temporary unit, but gained so much popularity they remained a group. Now, they kept performing in concerts and on various Johnny's shows, but their debut wasn't announced until January 2006 (with their first single and a concert DVD being released that March).
Anyway, let me introduce, KAT-TUN:
Oh, wait, I'm sorry. I meant KAT-TUN
Yeah, that whole emaciated adolescent look is HOT, right? Not so much, I know. But there are many that would disagree. MANY. Crazy, rabid JE fangirls. They have large numbers, so I'd be careful.
Despite the unsettling weight factor (more on that later, just WAIT), I do like KAT-TUN, because they're pretty... err, I mean, because I like their music. Yeah, that's it.
No really, I do. But first, the pretty...
K is for Kamenashi Kazuya...
I wish I could save Kame for the end, because he's mah fav. But, alas, he represents the 'K' of their oh-so-creative group name, and thus, he must be first. It makes sense though, since Kame is essentially the front-man of this whole operation. He and Jin are the two main vocalists for the group and Kame seems the be the most popular one outside of the group, having starred in a bunch of dramas and releasing a single as part of another duo (
Shuuji to Akira - he teamed up with Yamapi during their Nobuta wo Produce days (BEFORE KAT-TUN's official debut. oh the scandal!) and made "Seishun Amigo" which has become one of my favorite jpop songs. Plus... it has a dance.
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And is anyone else disturbed by the fact that little boys are filling in for where American music videos would have scantily-clad girls?).
Kame is... confusing for me. When I first saw him, it was in Nobuta wo Produce, one of my all-time favorite j-dramas, and when Greer and I first saw him we were like "Is that a girl? That's looks like a girl... only like a guy. HOLY CRAP IT'S A DUDE". Because, Kame? SO EFFEMINATE. Oh my goodness (just look at his eyebrows). Normally I don't find that sort of thing attractive, but on Kame, it totally is. Not so much during the NwP time, on account of him (this is according to Kame, first hand, in a recent conversation help on the groups show, Cartoon KAT-TUN), he weighed in at a hefty 40 kilos. And by hefty, I mean, I COULD CRUSH HIM WITH MY PINKY. 40 kilos = 88 pounds.
Yeah. I know. A little upsetting, considering he was about 18, and not 12 at the time,
isn't it. Though, I think it's fair to say, he doesn't have anything on Matsujun
here Anyway, Kame is tiny. And you guys... he's just so pretty
Oh, and boy does he know it. You see, Kame wants to be famous, he wants to be successful, so he works at it. He works really hard. And, when a tiny little Japanese boy works day and night non-stop, and - DOESN'T EAT, it leads to problems. He got pretty sick a while back, but all seems to be better now, and he appears to be healthy, but who the hell knows.
Honestly, I didn't like him much for awhile on account of that drive. He just seemed so calculating. Like, for example,
this clip where he is just playing for the camera and the crowd. It just struck me as so fake (though hilarious for different reasons). Often he is very serious and stand-off-ish (read:
DIVA), quite unlike many other members of JE groups.
But then I saw other things, like his interview on Oshare-ism (Parts
2, and
3... with subs!). And he's just as sweet and endearing as you could hope for (and his impression of a cockroach is adorable). And he's kind of a sore loser when it comes to
tricycle racing, but it's all in good fun. And, personally, I think he's way more attractive being all natural and goofy than doing the model-y stuff he seems to like so well.
Plus, he's a darn good little actor. I loved him in Nobuta wo Produce (one of the shows many wonderful aspects), so I tried other stuff he's been in. And really, I wish he would pick some better projects (though, if he actually has a say in the matter, I have no idea), because everything else pales in comparison to NwP. 'Gokusen 2' was just a generic rehash of the first season so I didn't finish it, 'Tatta Hitostu no Koi' was so dull and I disliked both his character and the girl so much I didn't watch past the first episode, I finished 'Sapuri', but probably wouldn't have if he wasn't in it, because it was just the same old stuff. I do have to admit, that I cried like a baby during 'Yuuki', the tv movie where his character is dying. But, I'm ridiculous like that.
He is staring in a new drama next season based off of Rumiko Takahashi's manga "One Pound Gospel", where, I quote (courtesy of dramawiki): he will be playing "a skilled boxer who turned pro at the age of 19, but he finds himself facing a string of defeats due to his inability to control his appetite, which always puts him in a heavier weight class. One day after losing a match, he wanders into a church where he meets a naive, fledgling nun, and he immediately finds himself interested in her."
This where we all laugh at the idea of Kame ever over-eating, because it's sad like that.
A is for Akanishi Jin
Jin's the other main singer in KAT-TUN, and arguably has the better voice (most fans agree on this, including me). Where Kame is pretty Jin is (and I hate saying things like this, because it sounds so dumb, but in this case it is SO TRUE) sex. I mean seriously...
Geez, those pictures don't even do him justice. I need to work on my selection. Really, all you have to do is watch his new drama 'Yukan Club' during which he spends the majority of the time with some sort of candy in his mouth. It's just... Guh. I don't even know what to say. The show really isn't that great, it tries to be fun and quirky but just comes off as flat for the most part, but Jin manages to be both adorable and hot throughout the entire thing. So, I'm pretty sure I'll download it all (Plus, Junno's in it too... wait until you see the pictures).
But yeah, Jin is aware (like Kame) of what the public wants, and he seems happy to deliver. In a segment on their show Cartoon KAT-TUN, they sometimes play darts with the guests, the entire group in black suits and hats - all very Guys & Dolls like. It's cute. Only Jin feels the need to remove his tie and open his shirt. One guest made note of this "You're shirt's come undone." Jin: "Yeah, I did
Hey, at least he's honest about it.
The other thing about Jin, besides the above-mentioned attractiveness, is that he's kind of a moron.
No, seriously. His nickname is Bakanishi (for those not versed in anime-taught Japanese. Baka=dumb. Thus, Baka+Akanishi=Bakanishi). This affliction was more pronounced when he was younger, but there is still PLENTY of video evidence.
There is "Shrieking Bakanishi"
When Nakamaru touches his collarbone-
When he discovers fire-
and when he gets pushed down a waterslide-
SUMMARY! - Sometimes he has pretend
mini-fights with Arashi's Matsujun.
- Come on, sometimes doors
give you trouble, too... right?
- Also, he's BFF's with Yamapi from NEWS (their secret handshake ends with a
heart... Seriously), who is amazingly awesome in his own right. But together they have
Super Dork Powers.
- But Yamapi totally calls him on the baka thing (which makes sense, given Yamapi came up with the name in the first place). But you might too if he compared you to a
cricket. (The Jin stuff is subbed, and starts about two minutes in)
Really, the best thing is the engrish...
- First, my favorite. The 'Why Jennifer' clip. Just... watch it.
Click to view
car shrimp-
I am punch- It even makes appearance in his songs like 'Ha-Ha'. In the form of the lovely phrase
go club get drunk you stupid shit. Nice, right?
- Really, it's just a
Peace of Cake Last October Jin was sent off to America on a six-month hiatus to, ah... study English. Thus leaving KAT-TUN 'A'-less (KT-TUN doesn't quite have the same ring, does it?), but still working hard. They started their tv show and released a new single ('Bokura no Machi de') that was just as boring and lifeless as the drama it was a theme for (Tatta Hitotsu no Koi). But they still managed to
look pretty
While over in the states, Jin went to 'class'. And by 'class' I mean 'frat parties' and by 'frat parties' I mean 'drinking at frat parties wearing a pikachu sweatshirt'...
DUH. How do we know this? Because JE fans are crazy, and have internet access... and, you know... STALK.
But Jin did return in April, clad in a t-shirt that read "FEMALE ASSIGNMENT" complete with a half-naked lady and some
shiny new phrases ---
T (number one) stands for Taguchi Junnosuke
Junno is simply adorable and I love him. Because he's just so accepting of the fact that he's a giant dork, and has fun with it. All the guys in the group give him crap, sometimes of the physical abuse variety. But he just smiles because it's all in good fun, and he's awesome like that. In honor of that awesomeness, here is a picture:
Okay, that's WAY too un-Junno like. Let's try again...
That's more like it. Here, have some more...
Along with Jin, Junno is staring in 'Yukan Club.' The character in the manga is of European descent and thus has blonde hair and blue eyes (as non-Japanese anime and manga character tend to have). So, what did Junno do? DYED HIS HAIR. He only looks slightly ridiculous *COUGH*
Junno loves 'dajare' (Japanese for 'pun'), which is one of the main reasons that his group members smack him (and why I love him):
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His other talents include
juggling while tap-dancing and
jumproping (?)
Next we have the HYPHEN, that really makes the whole KAT-TUN thing, don't you agree? It's also where I make a quick note that I don't have half the info or pictures on the last three guys. Not that I don't like them... I just don't like them as MUCH as the first half of KAT-TUN
T (number TWO) stands for Tanaka Koki
Koki, like Sho of Arashi, is the rapper of the group. Only where Sho is a college graduate and doesn't really fit the typical 'rapper' profile, Koki really embraces the whole thing. He's got this tough guy persona, which... is really hard to believe given the whole BOY BAND thing. And, how he raps about cooking on a talk shows he appears on... and you don't know how bummed I am about that youtube link being dead. I guess I'll just have to show the clip from this weird little JE mini movie, where at the end they have 'guess what's in the box' and Koki kind of freaks out... but then again, SO DOES EVERYONE ELSE... and it's pretty hilarious (Note: they're young in this, so he still has his hair)
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If want to see the first part (the actual 'movie' part, I guess) and why their faces are covered in flour, watch
Part 1. I found the subbed version on veoh at one point, but can't seem to locate it again.
Anyway, Koki is about as tough as... well, as tough as you expect a boy band rapper to be.
U stands for Ueda Tatsuya
Ueda is a lot like Kame in the looks department. You know, how he looks like a girl. Only Ueda is really anything but "girly" considering he boxes and plays piano. He was rather sensitive when he was younger, a fact that a few members of Johnny's took advantage of (Ryo of NEWS, for
example). But he seems to be stronger now, which is nice for him. He's kind of the silent, brooding member, but when he smiles it's HUGE and he can't stop.
And for as quiet as he is, he can be equally
odd. Oh, and stuff hits him in the face (at around the two minute mark)...
Online Videos by ---
N stands for Nakamaru Yuichi
So, they have Koki the rapper, OBVIOUSLY KAT-TUN needs a beat-boxer. That's where Maru comes in... and he's kind of awesome
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Maru's the oldest of the group, and he's not so much the leader as he is the glue that holds the whole operation together. According to interviews, all the other members see him as the collected one that keeps disagreements to a minimum. Yet, somehow he ends up on the receiving end of a lot of taunting (though not to the extent of Junno). Especially when it comes to his hair. Apparently, since the group first formed Kame and Jin have insisted it is a wig. Which is kind of hilarious.
Anyway, that's Maru...
But, I hear you ask... if they are a group, where are the songs? Oh, FEAR NOT.
If you remember, back before KAT-TUN debuted they were already doing concerts and other appearances, so I though it was only fitting to include a few of those here. Also because their concerts, more so than their videos display the sheer DEPTH of their fanservice...
"She Said" and "Kizuna" (though I like Kame's solo version better)... in which Jin's crotch makes out with the camera (watch it)
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How about those outfits, guys? Personally I'm a big fan of the random ANIMAL PELT stuck to the back of Jin's jacket. Johnny's concert costumes are... interesting:
Back to the videos! Here was have the "Pinky" ...'special DVD ending'. In which Jin get's a fake blow-job... from Koki... dressed as a woman. I DON'T UNDERSTAND.
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Their first single and PV: "Real Face". It's a really good song and the PV pretty much summarizes KAT-TUN... dark, rocker(ish), with some fanservice... and no plot to speak of.
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Next we have "Signal" which actually does have a plot. If falling from the sky in a giant considered a plot...
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Then Jin went to America and they released Bokura no Machi de, which is a lame ballad so I'm not going to give it anymore room in this pimp that this.
Next we have my personal favorite, "You" that was the opening to the drama 'Sapuri' and was the highlight of the show. In the video, they're in some sort of futuristic, sterile subway station (?)... but they're all dressed in white and looking super cute. Plus, I love the song...
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Then we have my second favorite of their singles, "Yorokobi no Uta" which was the theme to Koki's drama 'Tokyu Tanaka 3 go'. For some reason it looks a little cheesy and low-budget to me (with the flames in the background, etc), but the songs is good and the boys are cute so WHY SHOULD YOU CARE:
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And that brings us back to present day and their latest single "Keep the Faith", which is the theme to Jin and Junno's drama 'Yukan Club'. For the most part, it looks... a lot like all of their other videos, which are really just them 'dancing'. For some reason they've dressed a really tired looking Jin in a giant fuzzy sweater and sarong (though they are always wrapping stuff around his waist), Junno has his blonde hair - which will never look normal, and Kame's jacket makes him look like a homeless bat.
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As you can seen, KAT-TUN does their best to remain the sexy-rocker types
But, we all know the truth, because the minute you turn around they do something like this:
Is it wierd that this is my favorite KAT-TUN picture EVER?
They especially try to pull off the Kame/Jin (Akame to fans) thing. By, you know, PUTTING THEM IN BED TOGETHER...
Personally, I don't buy it for a second, on account of things like this...
Thus ends my (ridiculously long) KAT-TUN pimp... Oh, wait! Go
here to download songs off their first CD. I like all the tracks (minus 3 and 4).