Title: Finn, meet Fire. Fire, meet Finn.
Author: cranberry_pi
Rating: PG for violence and stupidity.
Spoilers: Definitely not.
Summary: This is me being self-indulgent.
elocineel asked for Finn/Fire stories, so I'm obliging with a few drabbles that are likely much funnier in my addled brain then they are on paper. Feel free to ignore, this is nothing but silliness!
It should have been simple. The Glee Club, having won Nationals with an epic performance, wanted to have a barbeque outside of McKinley to celebrate. Rachel and Quinn had handled the shopping, Puck had secured beverages, and Tina’s father had brought a propane grill. All that remained was for it to be lit. Finn, swaggering like a caveman, decided he would be the one to do the honors. He turned the propane on, struck a match, and extended it toward the grill. Not one person in attendance could figure out what happened after that, but he was left laying on the ground with his eyebrows ablaze, Puck beating him in the face with a fire extinguisher. It took six weeks for them to grow back.
It should have been simple. Puck was hosting a pool party over the summer, and all of the Glee Club had attended. After a raucous night of drinking and swimming and general good times, it was decided that they should set off some fireworks. Puck provided them from a stash he apparently had in his shed, planting them in the ground and pulling out a gold-plated Zippo to light the fuses. Finn, however, was busily trying to impress every girl present with his mastery of fire, and insisted on taking the job. As he lit the first one, he inadvertently knocked it loose from the sand. It took off - straight toward him. He hit the deck with a scream, but a spark lit his shirt ablaze. Puck, always there in the clinch, hit him with a fire extinguisher until he stopped moving and then put his shirt out.
It should have been simple. After a night of debauchery with his fellow Glee Guys, Puck drunkenly dared Finn to ignite his not-insignificant flatulence. As everyone should have expected by now, the lighter was held too close and the resulting fireball scorched his ass badly enough to leave second-degree burns. Puck forewent hitting him with a fire extinguisher, simply pushing him down and stomping on his ass until the fire went out. It was almost a month before Finn could sit down without a doughnut underneath him, and it was ten years before he stopped getting teased about it.
It was totally on purpose. Quinn, tired of Finn putting the moves on her even though she was taken, arranged for him to try and make a blowtorch with a can of hairspray and a lighter. Then, just before he depressed the button, she distracted him by kissing Rachel as passionately as she could manage. He somehow got the can turned around and lit his own hair ablaze. Waving off Puck’s help, she and Rachel took turns hitting him with the fire extinguisher. He wore a wig for the entirety of senior year. And he never bothered Quinn again.