New Scars

Nov 07, 2005 21:12

Today started out so well, and it ended with me trying not to get blood on the keyboard. How is it that things can go so incredibly wrong just as they are starting to look up? It isn't darkest just before the dawn... it's darkest just before it gets fucking darker. This is bullshit. I don't even know what to say, to be honest. I'm so angry I can't even think straight. My knuckles hurt. I know this entry is whiny and pointless and fucking dumb, but I have to talk to someone, and the one person I could talk to, well, I can't anymore.

I guess I just wonder why nothing can ever go right, you know? All I try to do is help people...why, for some reason, does karma or God or whatever the fuck is in charge decide that it's "Let's Make John Buzby Miserable Day" all fucking year long?

People are shit.
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