Major Update

Dec 16, 2005 03:09

First of All, here is a song lyric...for those who might be offended, do not read

Said Mr. Holyfield to the referee...
"Tyson bit off my ear!"(Tyson bit off his ear)
There is blood all 'oer the ring.
Tyson bit off my ear!(Tyson bit off his ear)
It Hurts, It Hurts
Send an ambulance please
but 'tis better than bein' clubbed in the knees!!
Much better than a clubbing in the knees

Said the referee to the mighty Don King
Do you know what I know?(Do you know what he know?)
In your casino warm Mr. King
Do you know what I know? (Do you know what he know?)
A star, a star
bleeding in the night
he will bring a lawsuit tonight!
yes, he'll bring a lawsuit tonight!!

Said the 'King to the people everywhere
Pray for hot action everywhere!!
The 'Field,the 'Field
his comeback has been fortold,
I just paid him $10 million in gold
I just paid him $10 million in gold

Anyway, now that that's out of the way, Here is a recap of the last two months

1. I Hit $1000.00!!! and I had my fun with it and now all that's left is a MP3 Player and a GameCube, and 50 coffees consumed.

2. I had Thanksgiving at my Mom and Geoff's this year, we had a great time

3. I went to Maine with my Grandma in Late October and finally saw some moose grazing alone route 17 in Rangley. I LOVED IT!!

4. I celebrated my 2-Year anniversary at Tedeschi's with an Iced Latte from Dunkin Donuts of all places(still can't believe I'm still there, I bitch about the crap I have to deal with but the paycheck on thursday makes all the fuss worthwhile)

5. I'm going back to school in January, taking up Macroeconomics and Oral Communications. I hope everything works out for the best.

And that's about it, more later, Its 330 in the morning and I have to get some sleep, byee!
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