"Oh my God, you're sleeping with me"
-House, to Wilson
24 minutes before the fMRI, and what the hell kind of online reconstruction has GE come up with without telling us? (A 3D-rendered brain with clusters of activation periodically jumping back and forth between random areas of the brain? It's like when a character "plays" the violin and their bow is not even moving in time with the music playing.)
And yesterday's Daily Show-Colbert Report-Conan was such a treat to watch. It wasn't until we settled down to watch the Super Tuesday coverage that we realized Huckabee is a strategic genius. And pretty funny. Too bad he's a crazy right-wing that I don't want as president. Come on Obama...
And Happy Mardi Gras!!! I even bought
pazcki* (poonch-key) to celebrate. Although the idea that prune is a good jelly donut filling I swear must have contributed to the stupid-polack steryotype. I'm about to wash my raspberry one down with my last vodka-cran-apple for 40 days.
*(and from Wikipedia: "Traditionally, the reason for making paczki has been to use up all the lard, sugar, eggs and fruit in the house, which are forbidden during Lent.")