A broom looks nothing like a horse.

Sep 27, 2006 17:01

When I was a kid, my family didn't have much money. This didn't really bother me. Sure, my friends had the Barbie dream house and convertible and RV and stable, while I had two Barbies and a few outfits, but I was lucky enough to live in between two farms stocked with all manner of animals, and I had a big backyard and a forest and a huge skating pond, so all my friends liked coming to my house. I played outside all the time, and I was a happy kid. I remember that sometimes, though, I'd want something and my parents wouldn't be able to buy it for me. Example: a horse head on a stick. I always wanted a damn horse head on a stick, preferably one that made the galloping/whinnying noise when you pressed its ear. When I asked Mom for one, she told me I had a good imagination and should pretend with a broom. Heh! I reminded her of this last week when I saw another equine toy I'd always coveted, and she bought it for me:

Isn't it awesome? Yeah, I'm about 20 years too old for it now, and I can't exactly sit on it (well, maybe I could; I haven't tried), but in my defence, I didn't get it just so it could stand in a corner and look pretty. It serves an actual purpose -- it replaces the old chair I used to set clothes on. It's a clotheshorse!

(I may or may not have gotten the horse mainly so I could make that joke.)

So, I've been checking out some of the new TV shows. I love Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. Love it. I've never seen an episode of The West Wing, so I don't know if this show is indeed too similar to that one, but I love the characters (especially Jordan and Matt) and I love the dialogue, and I'm always interested in anything that delves into the behind-the-scenes of TV. I also kinda like Jericho and Runaway. Six Degrees is boring. I haven't gotten around to Heroes yet (though I expect to like it and will watch until at least episode four -- Bryan's episode -- in any case). (By the way, the Wonderfalls wax lion will be making an appearance in the little boy's room in an upcoming episode, so watch for that.) I also plan to check out Ugly Betty, 30 Rock, and The Nine, and that should be it for new shows. I actually hope I don't like all of them, because I've been feeling kind of overwhelmed by TV lately. I'm finding it hard to pay attention, and there are in fact only a few shows I actually sit and actively watch -- the others I mostly listen to as I do other stuff. My DVR is also full of movies I still need to see (Domino, The Constant Gardener, The Girl in the Cafe, Shopgirl); I don't know when I'll get around to those now that the TV season has started. (I really should try to get some kind of job in the entertainment industry considering how much time I devote to it already, heh.)

P.S. Even though I don't comment as much as I should, I read all of the entries on my friends page every day and I enjoy all of them. I just like to say that from time to time so you all know I'm around and I care!
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