[Sasaki's a little restless thanks to excessive prom talk, and not enough progress with her projects. Well, why not take a break tonight? She decides to make a little call.]
A.) [Phone, standard filter:] I'm curious-- how many of you believe in such a thing as good and evil? And specifically, a natural inclination towards it. Do you think humans
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It's interesting to see whether other animals do the same thing.
[Shana will squat down and watch the mice go with interest]
Should we be taking notes?
That is a fundamental problem with the act of observation as defined in physics; as well as a technical one with human approximations. But even more generally than that, an experiment is fundamentally an orderly environment that simulates a chaotic one--that is, the world.
Did I say something weird?
[She nods]
It's a little amazing we know anything, with as many random factors at any given time. But I guess some things just fall within set variations, at least in what people describe as normal circumstances.
[She rubs her neck briefly.]
[She shrugs.] Yes, the various scopes of the world in which things function are always quite surprising. The concept of 'random' is at the core of many of the world's mysteries; because the most random systems are also the most predictable, paradoxically. It is because there's a more fundamental distinction of some kind, one presumes; but it's difficult to tease out the strings of which is which.
[She nods and watches the mice squirm for a while in silence.]
I'm afraid I'm a pretty practical person. I see a problem, I solve it. As a Flame haze, that generally involves violence, or the use of Unrestricted method.
[She sighs.] Some part of me thinks that a world that is more thoughtful, more filled with people like you would be a better place.
[That is about as philosophical as Shana ever gets. Damn girl.]
Well, I think the same thing. But while to some extent being a 'person of action' and a 'person of thought' are opposed, they aren't totally irreconcilable, just placed at a certain angle. Still, if everyone were to become more thoughtful, I can't imagine there would be as much of a need for violence.
[she looks back to the mice.]
Anyway.... any new thoughts on or new facts established about this place since we last talked?
[She pauses.]
As for Mayfield... There hasn't been that much evidence. All we can establish is that the rules are inconsistent or extremely complicated.
[She looks to the mice, moving around in the experiment.]
I wonder if being non-sentient, at least as we understand it, doesn't have some advantages here. After all, this is just another place for mice to live, eat, and breed. Only humans... or things able to perceive the world more or less as a human does would find this place uncomfortable, I think.
Well, that's one way to think of it. Of course, the exact same premise could be used to connote that these mice are in such a non-aware state that even changes in the universe do not cause them to be particularly responsive. Who's to say that the feeling of limitation is not akin to that of a permanently paralyzed patient--except mentally?
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