Jan 22, 2009 22:36
it's been a while.
i've already purchased film and chemicals for this upcoming semester. planning on shooting bergger b&w film and developing it myself. which i feel is necessary for my existence and happiness as a photographer. i need to get my hands dirty again. spending hours and hours in front of the computer has caused me to be stir crazy. not to mention i feel like i'm disconnected from my body as of late. riding my bike has reinserted somewhat of a connection again but i'm still feeling lackluster.
i want to start doing yoga and pilates and lifting weights again. and eating better. food last semester became something i had to eat and eat quickly in order to successfully move on to another goal. not to mention stress had it's hand in the weight that has slowly accumulated around my hips. oh well.
i want to go bike riding and listen to the wet road squeak under my tires. mm.