Willard died. I painted his death portrait. I managed to overcome my fear of touching a dead pet with him; I lifted his corpse all by myself. With Lombard I was certain that he's rear up and bite me. Not with wild animals, but dead pets-- I always think that their corpses will bite. But I picked up Willard.
And I put him in a nice box-- I found a good one in the basement; wood, so the maggots will take a little longer to penetrate, and I put him in the box and I kind of-- I don't know, but my fellow painterly types will relate to the feeling, the feeling that you're looking at a great still-life, and you have to paint it-- so I said, "To Hell with Biology", and I painted Willard's death mask, I suppose. It was kind of comforting. Lombard's death, one year prior, was much more difficult. But then I was fairly depressed at the time so the dead rat only augmented present angst.
But Willard looked very peaceful. And the ground was much easier for digging than it was for Lombard's grave. I buried him in late February and the ground was frozen-- plus I had mom hovering over my shoulder, criticizing my digging. The dirt was mud tonight.
Willard's wake consisted of Lucas, Chase(cat) and myself. Chase tried to jump into the hole. So cute! Anyway, I should probably go and review Biology now.
If you want to see the painting I've posted it on my Deviant gallery-- here!
Click! Yay.