Jul 30, 2012 23:56
It just occurred to me just how Not Green(tm) we're about to be at VIR for the 24 hour Chump race. Our '94 Civic will burn 5gal per hour -- 14gal tank, and the McDaniels brothers have emptied it in under 2hrs, but Danny and I aren't as aggressive. So, if we keep the car rolling for 22 of the 24 hours -- which is no small feat, we'll consume 110gal. That's more gas than I use in *6 months*.
There's over 120 cars registered. Many consume fuel much faster than we do. (some less, and not all cars will actually make the start. it happens.) So, 100 cars averaging 100gals is 10,000 gallons of gas burned up. In one day. Driving around in a big loop. I hope Sunoco is parking a few tankers there. The pumps only have 500gal tanks; I don't expect the south paddock pumps will be unlocked.