Apr 10, 2005 11:59
What i don't understand is how a post, something silly, just a camera can turn into all this drama. I mean we all know that anonymous poster just put people down to feel better about themselves, but friends don't do that. So first of all Emma, i think it was really rude and accusatory of you to just autimatically think it was me, mo, or ella. Emma why would three of your best friends do that? And second of all to Fabi, i've always liked you a lot, and i don't understand why you hate us. It doesn't make since because we haven't done anything to hurt anyone...and about the designer clothes thing, since when are we not alloud to like different things than you...i don't get mad at you for what you wear.
P.S. Don't anyone ever again blame US (Me, Ella, Mo) for the drama.