Mar 22, 2004 15:50
Alright, it's been a little over a week; time to update. Nothing too exciting happened over most of last week. But after Wednesday things got interesting. For one, I met possibly one of the coolest girls I have ever met. She was visiting Christen from Boston, and she made quite an impact on me. Maybe it was the fact that we have a lot in common, or it could be just the fact that i knew she was leaving in a couple of days, but I haven't felt that strong of connection with anyone for a long time. I was sad to see her go. So, with renewed hope (not to mention a "Massachusetts girlfriend") I move forward on the search for an actual romantic interest in my life. (Oh...Tony is cool too; he's my favorite karaoke partner. We do a mean rendition of Bye Bye Bye.) What else....Oh! Eric, my good friend since middle school stopped by for a visit and we had fun. He had never been to Rollins before so he was impressed by the campus, but I assured him that you can't always judge a book by its well-sod, professionally-maintained, and overly-expensive cover. DAMN THE MAN. Well, Eric came and left, but while he was here I gave a mock audition for a spot in the ensemble of the school musical, Babes in Arms. And, I got in! So Friday night and Sunday all day was spent in the theatre rehearsing. I'm doing pretty well for having just been thrown in two weeks late, but I could be doing better. In any case, I missed the theatre and it's good to be back. Also, Sunday was Sean(the roommate)'s birthday. I didn't get to see him as much as I would have liked, but he seemed to like his gifts so I think I was forgiven. Anyway, life looks busy for the rest of the semester. Class--Work--Rehearsal (and suddenly it's 10 PM) then I can do my homework and hang out with friends. Oh well, I'm loving it. I just hope I don't get too burned out.