Mar 12, 2004 23:45
Overall, Spring Break 2004 was not very exciting. It was, however, a very welcome break in my busy schedule. Kentucky was great; I always love seeing my older sister and her family. My niece, Samantha, is so much bigger than she was the last time I saw her. Wow, I sound like the annoying uncle that drops by and says "Hey, kid, you're getting so big," but I think that I can comment on it every now and again, can't I? I was there during Ben's birthday, and I got to conspire to set up his surprise party and to keep him busy while the guests showed up. It was good times. Anyway, I played copious amounts of cards and managed to lose every single game of Rabbit (a family card game) that I played. =^( I also saw The Passion, and I have lots of problems with it, but I'm not going to go into that here. OK, my flight home Thursday was fine, and I was happy to get back to people my own age. That evening I went to Trivia and WON FIRST PLACE! I also went and saw Hidalgo with Sean. It was alright, but not as good as I'd hoped. Today was pretty uneventful, I did get to spend a lot of time with my younger sister. And, I'm looking forward to the day of relaxation back in Winter Park tomorrow. All in all, not too exciting, but very restful. Who knows, I might even be able to make it through the rest of the semester. And, of course, I miss all of my friends at Rollins, so hurry back guys; I miss you all!!! For now, however, goodnight all!