Feb 20, 2005 21:27
It's hard to believe that it's been a whole month since my last post. So much has happened in such a short amount of time. Maybe it would be easiest if I broke the major events into chapters.
Chapter 1 - My Sister got Married by Robert E. Lee in Folkston, Georgia
So, I'm sitting minnding my own business on Sunday, January 23 when I get a phone call. It's my younger sister. I had suspected for a while that her boyfriends of more than two years would be proposing to her sometime soon, so I wasn't too shocked when the words, "Craig, I'm getting married," came out of her mouth. It was the next word that sent chills down my spine, "Tuesday." Yes, that's right my baby sister (ok, she's 19) decided that she wanted to get married at the courthouse as soon as possible giving me and my parents, who were in Kentucky at the time, a little less than 48 hours to prepare. I know what you're thinking, because I thought it too. No, she's not pregnant; she would have told me if she was. Anyway, the day came, and I drove to Jacksonville. We went to the courthouse, but they told her, much to her surprise since she did absolutely no research, that she would have to wait three days after filling out the paperwork before she could get married. She didn't like that one bit. They did mention that this little rule was not in effect in Georgia. So, after getting directions to the nearest courthouse just over the border. We hop back in the car and head north. When we get to the wonderful town of Folkston, the courthouse workers are on their lunch break. So we decide to grab some food too. Thus, my sister had a lovely wedding-day luncheon at Dairy Queen. Finally, it was time for the ceremony. It was carried out by a man who must have been in his eighties. He admitted to recently having had a stroke and that the day we were there was his last day. He couldn't pronounce the groom's middle name (Alexander), and at one point I looked through a door that was slightly ajar and I saw a huge man who was shackled and in the county stripes being led into the portable. (Yes, my sister was married in a portable.) Finally, the ceremony is complete. My mom then decides that she wants to go to a fancy place for dinner. We end up going to a seafood place near Jacksonville (my sister hates seafood) for dinner. The day is over at last. I head back to Rollins and prepare for the rest of my week.
Chapter 2 - Of Fried Chickens, R. Kelly, and Musicals
That Friday, Chris and Adam come from Gainesville to get me. We have a merry time going back to UF. We get there, and we're starved. Adam suggests that we head to Churchs. It was that night that I was introduced to the most beautiful of fried chicken joints. I ordered the all you can eat special and ate until I could eat no more. Such lucious food and sides all for five dollars. Needless to say, I was a happy camper. We then went back to Adam's and listened to R. Kelly's new hit, Sex in the Kitchen. His hilarious musical interjection of, "Girl, I'm ready to toss your salad!" made us laugh very hard and became a catch-phrase of the trip. After that we devised the Critic drinking game and played it. Awesome. We then watched Purple Rain and I decided that it is an extremely awesome movie and that Prince is the man. Double Awesome. The next morning, it was time for our quest up to Duke. This whirlwind trip was completed by Adam "Wheels" Pearthree in record breaking time. Russell was quite awesome and creepily convincing as Bat Boy. His voice continues to get better and better every time I see him. Keep it up, brother, and you just might make something of yourself someday. Anyway, after a night of Bat Boy and Wake Up, Ron Burgundy, we went to bed. The next day, Adam completed the drive in even less time. And, instead of making them take me back to Rollins when they were already tired, I decided to skip my Monday classes and rest / watch all of the Critic episodes that I hadn't seen. On Monday, Chris drove me back, and that saga ended.
Chapter 3 - A Visit from FSU: Dennys is no Place to Pass Out
A whole week goes by, and things are relatively uneventful. That, however, changed suddenly. On Friday, Carl came to Orlando from FSU. I hadn't seen him in a while, so I was greatly looking forward to spending some time with him. Due to some complications, we didn't hang out until Saturday. It was then that he told me that he had tried calling Mandy and that she hadn't answered. We then spent the next hour calling Mandy, finally getting a hold of her, and deciding where to go to dinner. We finally decided on a pizza place by UCF. We ate, had a good time, and then went back to Mandy's. It's always good to see Carl and to see Katie (who I should really hang out with all of the time since she lives in Orlando). Anyway, Katie was feeling tired so they left early. Sean and Nate then headed over with a bunch of beer. We drank a lot and enjoyed ourselves. Nate and I even decided that we didn't have enough beer (even though we did) so Nikki took us to get some more. A couple of hours later Nikki, who had not been drinking, got the idea to go to Dennys for some food. We pile in and head over. Now I only remember flashes of this trip, but I apparently kept trying to fall asleep at the table. After we left and got back to Mandy's, I was finished. I passed out on the ground and slept until morning.
Chapter 4 - Ziggy, GooseAid, and Duct Tape: A Love Story
The week before Valentine's Day was crazy. I spent more nights drunk than I did sober. Not something I plan on doing ever again. Anyway, Friday Nate and I drank consistently for pretty much the whole day. That was quite an experience, and also not something I plan on doing again. On Saturday, Nate and I got up to go to Gainesville for the Sgt. Pearthree's Lonely Hearts Club Bash. On the way there I introduced him to the magic of Ziggy Stardust. I have really come to love that album. Thank you, Adam for getting me hooked on it. Anyway, the party was a very good time. There were only red drinks (wine, sangria, punch with a bit of Grey Goose thrown in for good measure) and there was a huge card on which all of the guests sent a special message of loathing to St. Valentine himself. I got to see lots of people I hadn't seen in a while, played Ring of Fire twice, and even whipped out the Critic drinking game. Clearly, a great time. Even Nate enjoyed himself which is awesome since it was his first time meeting everyone there. I love it when my friends from Rollins get along well with my friends from Jacksonville. After the weekend, Nate and I devised a plan for all of our lady friends here at Rollins. We spent a few hours making duct tape roses and then wrote songs for each of them. Nate played guitar and I got to make use of a pitch pipe. It was genius and seemed to go over well. We were pleased with our efforts, although we are a bit concerned as to how we will top ourselves next year. Oh well, I'm sure we'll think of something.
Chapter 5 - The Dude, The Right Thing, and The Family
This past weekend, I went back down to UF. Friday night was spent celebrating Christina's and Alicia's birthdays. I had started feeling ill on Friday afternoon, but I paid it no attention. I partied on just as usual. At the party, I saw Eric Dorman whom I had not seen in a very long time. It did my soul some good to get to talk to him for a while. While we were there, we played a drinking game to The Big Lebowski for which one had to drink every time the word "dude" was uttered. That was madness. After the party, Adam and I went back to his place where I crashed on the couch. The next day I felt horrible, not because I was hungover but because I was just plain sick. I fear it to be some form of sinus infection, but I'm not sure. All I know is that I don't have a fever, my throat hurts, and it won't stop even though I'm taking obscene amounts of Tylenol. Saturday was still good even though I felt bad. I saw Do the Right Thing which is a freakin' fantastic movie. Holy cow, the more I think about the movie, the more I realize how great it is. If you haven't seen it, go rent it. I also watched The Godfather for the first time. It was really good too. So, even though I was sick, awesome movies kept me happy. After the movies, we went bowling with a few people. I felt horrible by that point. My first game, I bowled less than 100. It was bad. After the bowling, it was back to Adam's for the evening. There I decided that I was not through with the Corleones for the night and that I wanted to watch The Godfather Part II. I really enjoyed that as well. After that was over, I drugged myself up and tried to sleep. Today I'm back at Rollins and feeling really bad. I hate having dull pain that won't go away, and that's what my throat is doing right now. Hopefully this will end soon. Anyway, that's what's been happening over the past month. Maybe next time I won't wait so long between posts.