Pee-Yooo! P2, a new level of terror!

Nov 10, 2007 12:25

I don't even need to see this movie to make fun of it with everyone backstage at the play (it closes tonight). P2, which I only found out yesterday, is a torture porn horror movie where the kid from American Beauty plays a stalker parking attendant who captures a chick and tortures her with the help of his dog. that's it.

So, we're like, how do you name the sequel? P2 Squared? P2: Part Two!

We came up with titles like O2, a level closer to Hell!!!! and....STREET LEVEL! and...SIDEWALK!!! aahhhh!

I came up with a trailer with a couple telling their kids, 'we need to leave you locked in the car, now don't unlock the doors until we get back or the parking attendant will get you!' as soon as they leave, one of the kids has to Pee2, and the other is like, 'no! don't!' But, he has to! so he unlocks the door, and.... PP2, coming soon!

And I am waiting with bated breath for Lindsay Lohan's I Know Who Killed Me (she actually says that sentence in the trailer!) to hit DVD the end of the month! :-)

theater, pop culture, play, show

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