The most comprehensive Craig blog EVER! (memoirs of a 30-year-old)

Aug 05, 2006 13:50

Seattle Spit---> Went very well. Josh said we need to get me a posse so I'm not sitting alone every single time. But, I can barely get people to come to my plays, I don't even try when it comes to poetry.

The shows have been really fun the past year(that's how long I've done poster designs with Josh, minus one month!). And this one, especially, people got a little more opinionated. There wasn't a bunch of gay marriage stuff, thankfully (this is at the Wildrose, mind you). There were poems about dieting, being raised white/priveleged, etc. I went up and did an old poem, Training Bra. It's about a tranny working in an office and I read from the viewpoint of one of the office harpies. I was kind of expecting to be stoned, but it got a great response after the initial gasping. It felt good to push the envelope again. For so long, I've been doing relatively safe poems, even the one about two people with the same unnamed skin disease finding each other and having bloody sex! :-) Josh said the most bewildering part of that one is when I sang 'clap! clap!' coz they were like, 'is it the Clap?' I never do say which disease it is.

The funny thing is, I don't have tons of sex or obsess over it. That's WHY I write so many sex poems. I'm using my imagination and I'm free to be completely silly and offensive about the topic. And talk about giving street junkies blowjobs!

I'm still not ready to pop out any of my old angry poems. I hate getting 'rowwwrr/meow!'s and patronizing 'Ohhhh!'s. It's like, poetry should cover different moods and characters, not just be crowd-pleasing and funny. I do those, and yeah, I want people to like me, but it's actually more rewarding to get up there and play a black rapper or a stoner drag queen or do a punk poem about wanting to be a gay republican and getting a real response from people, even if it's just confusion.


Job search: not much on that front.

Dating: N/A.

Theater: this is actually the best category in my life right now. we're working on the current play, but also the return of Bad Actor plays. We're starting from the ground up with our Super Females! play, and instead of being just a comic book satire, we're creating new characters. And I'm hosting an Exorcist 2 viewing so we can start brainstorming for the revamp of Exorcist: The Musical! On a side note, I made up with the guy who cast/uncast me. He thought Exorcist: The Musical! was made ONLY to get back at him. It wasn't. I should hope that people didn't do that, or there'd be the Craig Trolli Didn't Cast Me So I Threatened to Sue Him one-man show. And who knew anyone actually read my faux-bitter program bios? Anyway, I'm looking forward to satirizing the second movie as well as the first and the novel. My brother was like '2007?!' Gotta wait for it, though.

Art: I loved seeing the Seattle Spit poster feature my art again. I did Zatanna in a full-body fishnet costume. I like appropriating different artists' styles. But I also miss just drawing my own characters. I'm gonna submit Anna Rexia to a comic company. I want to continue her solo comic. Looking back at old episodes of Em'ma Gawd! and Anna Rexia, you can tell I was rushed, experimenting, and unpaid. :-) AW well...

Drag: Nothing lately. I really miss doing Tori Amos lip syncs, though.

Writing: Nothing. I re-read old Tablet music reviews I did, Lost Gems. They were written about crap-tastic CDs like the Karen Carpentar solo album and Tori Amos' 80s rock band. I was a little embarrassed, but at the time I was writting what I knew the editors would print, so what can you do? I want to submit my 'clips' to a local paper, just to see how they reject me. I also have the guest writing I did for the Stranger. I was proud of it, except that David Schmader took out 'cunt' and put one of his own insults in(I conveniently don't remember it). I ok'd his edit coz I knew I was lucky to get the opportunity, especially since I was hacking the other editor's head off in my comic strip. And the creative insult is what I got the most feedback on! I had to keep admitting I didn't write that particular phrase. The next week he used 'cunt' in Last Days.

Grudges: I remember EVERYthing that offended me in my 20s. See above listings. I wish I hadn't been so angry, but I was. I think I had a feud (in my own head) with pretty much every gay local celebrity/drag queen at some point. I expected them to fall all over themselves supporting me in return. It's not like that. And I'm too pig-headed not to do things my own way, anyway. Which is the hard, long, circuitous way.

Real Life: Hate it. But I guess I'm growing. I now own some cologne by Burberry! I am trying to get down to ONE job. I now realize that what I write for the Bad Actor bio in the program, even if Bad Actor isn't doing the main producing of a play, can be quoted in a review and held responsible. OOpsie! And that in theater, you will lose friends, other people aren't as motivated, there are local politics, and you just have to move on. The greatest gratification is producing your own shows, even if no one ever knows what you had to deal with backstage in order to get a show onstage in one piece. Also, as I neared 30, I started not caring so much about things, and those things have gotten better (theater, publicity, poetry, etc.).

Film: Our 48-hour film got 'best oral gratification at a teen social event'. We had neither in our film. It was robbed. It didn't even get Best Music, and we were the ONLY musical entered. Aw well. It'll get a 'deluxe' version soon, I hear. The producers plan to enter the 72-Hour Film Fest later this year, but I may not be able to do it, since, of course!, it's the last week of Episode 3 of Capitol Hill High.

Ego: I wish more people had seen Episode 2 of CHH. Not because I got name checked glowingly in the Stranger review(which was by Schmader so it doesn't really count for me, other than being good buzz for the show), but coz I really had a blast in that wheelchair, doing that offensive Cancer poem, and being racist, fat-phobic, and half naked, all in Guy's mentally off balanced way. It was a real challenge, when I was totally happy to just do one-liners as a background character. It's like movie actors who are all old and content, but end up doing big movies, like Jodi Foster. I'm really crossing my fingers that we'll get a screening of the second play's taping. Oh, and I heard FanKick almost came in costume to see the show, since we had a nasty joke about them. Which would have been AWESOME! But 'celebs' in this town never want to do anything fun like have a public feud! :-) Oh, well, no one really cares about any of that, anyhoo.

Ok, that's all I have to say for now. :-) I'm just desperately wanting to make more money so I can buy things! Like new clothes, more comic books, pay bills, impulse shop....etc. etc.... I want to sell out! It's not a bad thing, it's just part of getting more mature and mainstream! Bwa-ha-ha!

Yes, I'm joking...about everything...

cunt, capitol hill high, poetry, film, movie, theater, exorcist, sex, bad actor productions, play

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