Hope can be a horrible thing.

Apr 07, 2009 20:38

One of the casualties of the need to keep Watchmen down to a reasonable length (at least in its theatrical incarnation) was Tales of the Black Freighter, a pirate comic that, in the book, acts as a counterpoint to the main story. I'm not sure how Zack Snyder plans on incorporating it into his promised director's cut, but as a standalone short it works reasonably well. Meticulously animated, it brings to life some of Watchmen's most gruesome imagery and gives a voice (provided by Gerard Butler, star of Snyder's 300) to its most fatalistic narrator. (It also brings to mind the "B-17" segment from Heavy Metal, which is understandable considering all the rotting corpses on display.) One can argue with some of the grisly details Snyder and co-writer Alex Tse (who also co-wrote the Watchmen film) added to Alan Moore's original, but as long as they serve the story I have no beef with them.

based on comic book, animation, short, zack snyder, alan moore

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