fight club

Jan 25, 2004 14:57

last night was crazy. I went to a concert with mike and marcus to see pick your poison play. I am giving pick your poisons overall show two thumbs down. Their tbs cover was okay though. In between the two bands on of the straightedgers jumped of a railing and landing on me cause my knee to go out of joint, so i had to go sit down. The band that went on after them was a straightedge band. A lot of concerts i go to have a few straigtedgers but not this many. Anyway they all came up right in front of the stage and started dancing....or flailing all over depending on how you look at it. Anytime someone from the crowd i was with tried to get in the pit they got creamed. Then Jordan
was on the edge of the pit and he got down on his hands an knees and started banging his head and fists into the ground. The straightedgers rushed him and one of them kicked him in the head. Jordan stood up and started cursing and all the straightedgers rushed to defend their buddy and we all rushed to stand behind jordan. There were a lot more of us so if it came down to a brawl we would have had them. after a few minutes we said forget it and left the club but one of the straightedgers followed us outside. Pretty soon the whole crowd was outside in old midvale about ready to throw down. One of the employees running the club (who was also a straightedger) told everyone to get back inside before the cops showed up. We all left anyway. Basically my opinion on the Salt Lake Straightedge organization dropped out.

im done
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