well, time for an update. I know there should've been a demo out by now but we really wanted to make sure that we wouldn't rush into anything that would turn into crap and would degrade the quality of the music we wrote. After trying three seperate producers (myself being one of them), we finally found a place that knows what they're doing. Actually i'm going to check it out after writing this, but by the sounds of it they got like a hundred grand worth of recording stuff and whatnot, so we should sound like our demo was released by a record label when it comes out. should be cool, i'm SO pumped about it.
Today my dad turned fifty, and it was evident that his warped sense of humor was hereditary. since my dad likes the show "pimp my ride" i decided to buy him a walker and pimp it out (spinners, dice, speakers, bike handle bars, the works) and he really liked it. no matter how old my parents get i think i'll always consider them to be like mid-thirties. Age doesn't mean you gotta grow old, some of the oldest aged people i know are also some of the youngest at heart. I also gave my dad a ticket to ozzfest, which he actually gave me first, but i figured i'd return the favor and invite him along. He was a big fan of judas priest and black sabbath back in the day, so i figured it would be cool to go to ozzfest with my dad and enjoy bands we both actually like. he said he's not sure if he can go, but if he does it'll probably be one of the coolest concerts either of us have been to, and we've each been to a lot.
Welp, it's almost time to say goodbye to this town, and i'm not as sad as i thought id be. I mean there've been a lot of good things to come from the summer but at the same time there's been a lot of bullshit, which is no suprise because it comes with the territory, and peters is a hot spot for it i guess. all this "he said, she said" bullshit (didn't mean to steal a line from limp bizkit) was starting back up in recent weeks. I just think it's so funny that i get to come back from a place where i'm an adult to a place where my peers act like a bunch of whiney kids sometimes. Highschool's over, and i couldn't be more glad of that fact.
Shows should be starting up soon, i guess just check out
http://www.besidesreason.com/ for that info whenever it comes, but i'm trying to get that ready by the time we head back to college. We're rewriting every one of our songs and they're turning out a lot more musically sophisticated and elaborate than before, and therefore they're just so much better. you'll see what i mean soon ;)
"please allow me to adjust my pants
so i can dance the good time dance
and put the onlookers and innocent bystanders in a trance..."
-Clutch, "the mob goes wild"
if you like rock music, go buy a cd by Clutch
rock on