Jul 24, 2004 12:21
well, i guess this is going to be the last update for a long time. It seems every time i write an entry there's some kind of backlash for it. it could be something taken way out of context and subjectively misinterpreted, or an inside joke that someone on the outside could take offense to even they have no clue what it means. whatever, i'm done with it. So much for using writing as a release from the stress of everyday life, this thing only seems to add more to it sometimes. Rather than talking about my life on here, i'm gonna just go out and live it. If you usually read this thing and want to know how things are going in my life, then fantastic, talk to me online. If you're just reading these things to look for a sentence you can use against me, don't bother looking anymore. peace out, rock on, live life to the fullest, don't decay in front of a computer screen.