Jul 27, 2007 23:14
Salt! It isn’t just for sheep anymore. For the last three days I’ve been a bit of a bad mood, I wasn’t sure why, but it became very important that I make lots of brownies and eat them… so yesterday I made some because I needed to make some for graces birthday. After I ate way too many of them today I got blood sugar crack but I couldn’t keep from eating more so I crashed my blood sugar today several times. I was even starting to be concerned I might be hyperglycemic since I do have a decent genetic chance of it. At meals I ate a lot even though I wasn’t hungry…. I also nearly bite several peoples heads off and generally wanted to screw the world. finally about 10:30 at night when I realized that I had to do the dishes and this was nearly the last straw and I wanted to throw a screaming fit, eat the rest of the brownies and crawl into bed. Then I couldn’t find any hamburger in the freezer and I was really really close to stalking up stairs and demanding Mom find the hamburger. Suddenly I had a brilliant idea. Salt! I hadn’t eaten anything even vaguely salty in days except for a little bit of gravy which I which was so good I almost ate it plain when the meat it was suppose to go on was terrible. After eating only a handful of rice crackers, I was in a much better mood, the cravings for sweets went away, the bad mood started to fade. Now I’m eating crackers and the world is good again! My parents wisely eat a low sodium diet and I never put salt on anything. Combine that with hot weather and I suspect I knocked my electrolytes pretty well out balance which induces the sugar craving, chocolate dehydrates and so more water is consumed… so less salt.
So, go out, eat some salt! That’s what I’m going to do!
Rice crackers are a good indicator because under normal circumstances I don’t like them. When they taste like the best thing I’ve eaten in days… I have a sneaking suspicion I’m salt starved!