1. Hearing that Owen's ultimate ambition in life is to become a bitter alcoholic old woman
2. Free "shot glasses" from Starbucks
3. Lots of other free souveniers
4. Seeing the naked cowbooy... twice.
5. making plans to live in the City Library (including an entire wing for a slip and slide)
6. seeing two shows in one day - Company and Tarzan!
7. NOT getting spit all over us from the actors (a couple close calls)
8. When a drunk woman sits next to you at a show and keeps kicking you, it does get annoying.
9. Discussing why Jane can't really live in the jungle... there are no TAMPONS THERE EWWWWW
10. reading aloud the personal ads in the Villiage Voice
11. Noticing how hot Tarzan is... not ripped... but def nice to look at!