chicken soup for the soul...

Sep 01, 2003 04:52

1. What is your full name?  | Rachel Taren __________

2. What kind of clothes are you wearing? A big t-shirt/gown.
3. What are you listening to right now? The hum of my computer.
4. What are the last four digits of your phone number? Riiiiight. *shifty eyes*

5. What was the last thing you ate?  Reece's Cup.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue.

7. Where do you plan to go on your honeymoon? Uh.. I have no idea. Ireland would be nice. ;-)
8. How is the weather right now? Calm.

9. Last person you talked to on the phone?  Kristie (sis-in-law) I called her to tell her I was on my way home because I wasn't sure if I was going to make it without having a blowout.

10. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Eyes.

11. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes. Kelly is such a sweetie! :-)

12. How are you today? Fine, and you?
13. Your favorite drink? Pepsi, Sprite, swEEt tea, juices, and AriZona Green Tea.
14. How do you eat an Oreo? I like to dip them in milk.

15. Favorite sport to play? Uh... I'm not a "sports" kind of girl. I do however enjoy pretending like I can play basketball.
16. What's the latest CD you bought? "I Might Be Wrong - Live Recordings" _ Radiohead.

17. Eye color? Brown.

18. Do you wear contacts? Yes I do.

19. Siblings? Yes? Tommy, Tammy, Angie and Brad? *All older and all half sibs. First two on Mom's side last two on Dad's side.. complicated yeah.. I know*

20. Favorite month? Uh... September has always been good to me.

21. Favorite foods? "Southern" type food (fried chicken, mashed potatoes *taters*, etc..).
22. Favorite day of the year? No one day really sticks out right now....

23. Are you too shy to ask someone out?  Yes I am. Plus I think it's better if the guy does the asking.
24. Summer or Winter? Summer. I don't like being cold.
25. Hugs or kisses? Hugs

26. Relationship or one- night stand? That's a dumb question if I've ever saw one. Relationship.

27. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate. Yump!

28. Do you want your friends to write back to this? Of course! If not.. I'll... I'll.. make them listen to CREED! *ahahahha. kidding. I'm not that mean.*

29. Who is most likely to respond? Someone with time on their hands.
30. Who is least likely to respond? Mmm... Josh Hartnett. ;-)

31. Living Arrangements?  With my brother and his wife. My mom moved in with us this year. *Again with the complicated thing.*

32. What books are you reading? Nada. I need to find a good book to read.
33. Whats on your mouse pad? Black & Grey "Dell" logo.

34. Favorite board game? Sorry!

35. Fav. magazine? Uhh... Highlights! Haha.. But seriously I don't have a favorite.

36. Favorite smells? Roses, baby lotion, Dove Shampoo & conditioner, Gain washing powders, and chocolate.

37. Least favorite smells? Stinky stuff.

38. Favorite sounds? Music, the ocean, rain drops hitting something, laughter and the sounds of the woods.

39. Worst feeling in the world? Sadness.

40. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Who says I wake up in the morning? heh. It depends on if I have something to do that day or not. If I don't have anything to do I would bet it goes something like.. "Need more sleep. zzzzzzz"

41. Favorite color? A hue of blue.

42. How many rings before you answer the phone? I might answer if I'm in the mood to talk and if the name/number is one that I recognize from the Caller ID.

43. Future children names? Katie, John, Thomas, Christopher, Alexander, Ashley.. etc..

44. Do you think the glass is half empty or full? Either or. But WHAT'S IN THE GLASS!?? *ahem*

45. Favorite movies? Dirty Dancing, Save The Last Dance, A Walk To Remember, Forrest Gump, and Princess Diaries.

46. What's under your bed? a box of photographs, a box of old letters, my electric blanket cord, shoes from the military ball, senior photos (i think?) , and some other long forgotten junk in various boxes.

47. What is your favorite number? 7

48. One nice thing about the person who sent this to you? Kelly is awesome.

49. If they're a member of the opposite sex, would you ever consider going out with the person who sent this to you? They aren't.

50. What CD or tape do you have in your stereo? "The Premise Is Sound" - The People

51. Name of person you want to marry? "The One."

52. Favorite TV shows? 7th Heaven, The Walton's (I miss that show.), Degrassi, Being Eve, RFR.. etc..
53. Future Profession: Good question.

54. Fettish: That's a creepy word.

55. Weird facts: My elbows are double jointed and I can spin them around 180 degrees, I can voluntarily move the tendon over my middle knuckle on both hands, I ate paper as a child, and the longest word in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. (a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust )
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